Halo 4

Halo 4

Halo 4 is the latest game in the Halo series. It brings back the beloved team of Master Chief and his AI Crotona. Together they face a new enemy one that we have only heard whispers of throughout the pervious Halo games. The forerunners and their soldiers the Prometheans, so the over view of this game is simple.

To start the game begins right where Halo 3 left off, Master Chief taking a nap for the past four years. Crotona has been watching over him for the whole time. (She loses her mind once again.) So you as Master Chief, get one hell of a rude awaking to being under attack (Just like in the first Halo). Then you run into the new Covenant who are just more ugly than in the previous Halo games. So skipping ahead you land on a strange Alien world a Forerunner Planet. From there you begin your new journey. Soon you run into the Prometheans (fun glow in the dark kind of guys). More fun than the other foes you have faced (better than the flood). So you soon meet their boss, the badass Forerunner. Then you spend most of the game chasing him until you finally kill him in the end.

So on to the rest of the game. There is a second disk that comes with Halo 4; you have to download it to your Xbox 360 before you can do anything other than campaign. There is no firefight; I have mixed feelings over this. One hated playing firefight on line loved playing it to warm up though. But we do get this really cool new game option called Spartan ops (similar to other games). Spartan ops, has now become my warm up game of choice, plus playing this online has been really cool. Then we get into the rest of game options you have multiplayer of course hot potato is gone so is invasion. We still have forge and of course you still have theater.

The Rankings on Halo are made up and so are the points, this is very true. You will start out at SR1 and go up from there. As you go up levels you can change and add things to your armor making it cooler. You get to build your own custom loadouts now. This is one of my favorite new features to the game. It’s really kind of cool. You can pick your primary and secondary weapon, type of grenades, armor abilities, and etc. When you reach SR50 you can pick a specialization. Really hate the specialization, some people like it I hate it. The problem I have with Specialization is you already have these really cool custom things you can do and having the specialization just kind of ruins it. It just gives players another big advantage that can be unfair and they are kind of dumb.

I’m not going to talk about the specializations any more for the time being so here is a links on what each one does:

Halo 4 Specializations